Monday, September 22, 2008

Censoring Palin

The support Palin has enjoyed from her home state seems to be dwindling. The McCain campaign has taken increased control over who has access to what concerning her time as govenor. This has gone from an issue between the campaign and the media to one between Alaskans and Palin. She is being accused of hypocritical actions. Prior to her selection as Republican VP nominee, she prided herself on seeing past party lines and doing what was necessary for Alaskans. She is now withholding information and accessibility from the people who put her in office, and they aren't pleased.

The McCain-Palin ticket seems to be being reactive rather than proactive. The talk starts without them and then they are forced to enter the conversation in a defensive way. If a campaign's objective is to "control the narrative," the McCain camp seems to be trying, but failing. In limiting what gets out and who is allowed to talk, they are helping to create more negative narrative. Alaskans are turned off by the power that has suddenly showed up as a middle man. They don't want to go through outside sources to get information about their own government. A reasonable complaint.

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