Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Putting Americans First

McCain's recent proposal to postpone Friday's debate and suspend campaigning so that an agreement can be reached to solve the current financial crisis is encouraging to me. Although i have to admit, I think I am somewhat jaded from following all of this coverage. I want to believe that McCain's request is sincere, that he is truly more concerned about the welfare of all Americans than say, winning the debate. But I'm skeptical. I have to wonder if this is just another calculated move to win votes? And if it is, and it still does Americans good, is there anything wrong with that? I'm inclined to say no. His intentions aside, if it works, then I'm for it.

Democrats in office clearly don't agree with me. They think it's all a ploy, that presidential politics shouldn't be involved, and that the government has to be able to deal with multiple issues at once. I think the latter is the only one I can firmly agree with but we also need priorities. They haven't been able to come up with a solution so far, and I would imagine time is of the essence here. He isn't trying to bail on the debate, he just wants to have it later.

1 comment:

chysey said...

I don't know about this one Mary... I agree with you that something needs to be done about the financial crisis. But, I find it extreme that he is SUSPENDING his campaign to focus on an issue that he seemed oblivious to up until last week.

I welcome McCain's efforts. But, I question the timing.