Thursday, September 18, 2008

Family in the Election

In my daily wanderings of campaign coverage, I came across another story that ventures into an "off-limits" area. Family was brought up in our class discussion as what perhaps should be, but isn't an untouchable area for candidates. The family member in this story, Meghan McCain, is choosing to become part of campaign coverage. She has been traveling to promote her book "My Dad, John McCain" a recent addition to the New York Times Best Seller list. In doing so she certainly entertains questions and conversation about her Dad and keeps her own blog.

What i find interesting about this article is that she is "the only one of McCain's seven children to campaign actively for him." She is the only one I have ever seen or heard anything about and I have to wonder why that is. Is it simply because she chooses to speak to the media and her siblings decline? How come the media hasn't forged into the lives of his other children? And most puzzling for me, why aren't his other kids actively supporting his campaign?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this very interesting and you are the first person to bring up this idea. It makes me wonder whether the kids want out of the limelight or there is more there that meets the eye.